

Our international team consists of experts in the fields of agronomy, food markets and supply chains, marketing, market research, environmental sciences and policy evaluation.

Thanks to the diversity of our profiles, we have developed a global approach to agricultural and food issues, from farm to fork. On a daily basis, we all attach great importance to field work and close contact with economic actors, whose experience and involvement are the keystone for success. We also keep in constant contact with the relevant organizations, administrations and research institutions, as well as with our international network of partners.


You can reach our ECOZEPT-Team in Freising (near Munich, Germany) and in Montpellier, France.

Ecozept in Germany
+49 (0)8161 1482-0

Ecozept in France        
+33 (0)467584227

To join us personally, please compose our email address as follows: (team Montpellier) and (team Freising)

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