
We are proud of our numerous projects



"Empowering Public Food Procurement": sustainable food in the European catering sector 2017 2019 European Commission
"Pasture city Augsburg": Supporting the marketing of lamb meat 2016 running LPVA
A vegetable plant in the Gers department?: Opportunity and feasibility study for the creation of a vegetable factory and storage unit 2021 2021 Bank of the Territories
A vegetable plant near Douai?: Technical, economic and legal feasibility study for the construction of a vegetable processing plant on local authority Douaisis (Northern France) 2023 2023 Douaisis Agglo
Accompany organic food chain actors from Canada on the German trade fare "ANUGA" 2017 2017 Mission économique du Quebec
Ad-hoc market study "Canned organic fresh-water fish" 2019 running La Truitelle SAS
AgriLoop: Pushing the frontier of circular agriculture by converting residues into novel economic, social and environmental opportunities 2022 2026 European Commission
Agrival: Training in food and organic marketing 2014 2014 Former Midi-Pyrenees Regional Chamber of Agriculture
Analysis of the french organic catering sector 2015 2016 a'verdis
Analysis of the position of the specialized organic distribution in the food market of tomorrow 2018 2018 Natexbio
Animal Welfare 2021 2022 France Agri Mer
Articles for french magazine Biolinéaires 2015 running Biolinéaires
Bio-Gard: Improving the valorization of organic pulses 2011 2012 CIVAM BIO du Gard
Bio-Regio Management in Munich: Coordination office „Management of regional organic food in the out-of-home-catering” 2022 2024 LH München - RKU
Biosphere products from the Swabian Ab 2015 2016 Biosphere office
BIOVALUE: European research project on biodiversity in the food value chain and on the plate 2021 2025 European Commission
boden:ständig 2015 2018 ALE Oberbayern
CIRCULAR FoodPack: Circular Packaging for Direct Food Contact Applications 2021 2024 European Commission
Communication strategy for organic food from Bavaria 2013 2016 STMELF/alp
Coordination and implementation of a land-use concept around the lake "Simsee" 2003 running AZV Simssee
Crisis management tools for organic markets 2023 2024 FNAB
Definition of a development plan for the organic sector in Quebec 2011 2012 La Filière biologique du Québec
Definition of a new marketing strategy and securing of the food-processing section of the Pays Cathare brand 2017 2018 Département de l'Aude
Developing an organic market report within the framework of the implementation of the Organic Action Plan of the state of Brandenburg (Germany) 2023 2024 Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection
Development and application of drinking water protection concepts 1994 running Water supplier/communities
Development of a business plan for plant food chains within the framework of the innovation territory project Eau du Bassin Rennais 2018 2019 Eau du Bassin Rennais
Diagnosis of agriculture and collective catering in the Charente department (France) 2023 2023 Department of Charente
Eco-Strategy Schleswig-Holstein 2014 2015 MELUR
Economic development strategy based on the valorisation of the Perfume, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants sector (PPAM) 2014 2016 Département de la Drôme
Economic efficiency of alternative cow-milk value chains in Saxony (Germany) 2022 2022 LfULG
Economic feasibility study for the setting up of an Aquilaria essential oil industry in French Guiana 2018 2020 GDI / CIRAD
Elaboration of a good practice guidance for puplic canteens 2021 2021 SMEKUL
Entrepreneurship with Vision 2015 2018 European Commission
Evaluation of ELER implementation in Baden-Württemberg (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development) 2008 2016 MLR Baden-Würtemberg
Evaluation of organic farming in Bavaria 2011 2013 BayStMELF
Evaluation of support programmes for rural areas in Bavaria 2009 2024 StMELF Bavaria
Experimentation of the introduction of organic and local products in collective catering 2012 2015 Former Picardy region
Feasibility study concerning the establishment of a marketing agency for regional and organic products in the State of Saxony (Germany) 2020 2021 Sächsisches Staatsministerium Landwirtschaft
Feasibility study for the development of direct commercial relations between local farmers and caterers 2015 2016 Pays Castelroussin Val de l’Indre and Parc Naturel de la Brenne
Feasibility study for the development of short supply chains in Saulnois territory 2014 2016 Communauté de Communes du Saulnois
Feasibility study for the installation of a locker vending machine for St-Julien-les-Villas territory 2021 2021 Banque des Territoires
Feasibility study of a bread recycling chain supported by an insertion structure on the territory of Orléans Métropole 2016 2016 Orléans Métropole
Feasibility study: 30% organic farming in Bavaria achievable by 2030? 2019 2019 Alliance 90/The Greens
Federal Program Regional Value Creation 2021 2022 BRB
Field trip for French organic vegetable farmers to Bavaria 2017 2017 BioCentre - Nous Paysans Bio
Financial and technical consulting and expertise services to the laureates of the call for proposals "Accelerating the food transition" 2021 running Banque des Territoires
FOODCoST: Food Costing and internalisation of Externalities for System Transition 2022 2026 European Commission
GLOPACK - Granting society with LOw environmental impact innovative PACKaging 2018 2021 European Commission
Greenbelt Munich: Cooperation between City and Agriculture 2010 2019 City of Munich
Handbook “Sustainability criteria in public food procurement" in Hesse 2022 2022 HMUKLV
Hempseed food products: analysis of the international market potential 2018 2019 Interchanvre
How can the OOWV achieve more organic farming in its drinking-water catchment areas?: How can the OOWV achieve more organic farming in its drinking-water catchment areas? 2021 2021 OOWV
Identifying new direct distribution channels for local products in Buzançais 2019 2019 Municipality of Buzançais
In-depth market study of local dairy products 2022 2022 PETR Pays de Sarrebourg
INGRAIN: Innovative potential of a circular economy: Market study of the agricultural and food industry in North Rhine-Westphalia 2020 2021 Niederrhein Univeristy
INNODirekt: New and innovative direct selling concepts of agricultural products 2017 2020 Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)
Inventory and market potential of regional food in canteens in Haute-Loire 2017 2018 Haute-Loire Department
Joint supply administration for the delivery of local and biological products for catering in Loire Atlantique 2020 2020 Conseil Départemental de Loire Atlantique
Leading a forward-looking approach to agricultural and agri-food adaptation in western Aveyron up to 2050 2024 2024 Ouest Aveyron Communauté
LIFT - Fostering “Low-Input Farming and Territories” 2017 2022 European Commission
Local (organic) food for school canteens in the Occitanie region (South of France) 2018 2021 Region Occitanie
Local, organic and quality food for the public purchasing association GRAP in Northern Bourgogne 2017 2018 GRAP Nord-Bourgogne
Logistical study for the short supply chains development 2017 2020 Communauté d'Agglomération Loire Atlantique (CARA)
Market and feasibility study for the creation of a mutualized processing tool for the local fish industry 2022 2022 PETR Pays de Sarrebourg
Market for organic pig meat in France 2018 2018 Friland
Market opportunities for organic rice, organic soy and organic wheat from India 2012 2022 ITC
Market potentials of innovative crops in Bavaria 2024 2024 KErn
Market research on peruvian organic products in France 2014 2015 Promperu
Market study about the implementation of a food logistic platform in the department of Hérault 2022 2022 CAPDIFE (Croix-Rouge Insertion), Pays Cœur d'Hérault
Market study for producers wishing to enhance the valorisation of their organic production 2017 2017 Eau de Paris
Market study in order to define the opportunity of a label for local agricultural products on Reunion island 2020 2021 Département de La Réunion
Market study of organic pulses for human consumption 2022 2023 Bio Grand-Est
Market study on alternative forms of milk marketing 2020 2021 LfULG
Market study on organic essential oils in Europe 2021 2022 A french cooperative
Market study on the positioning of organic rosé meat from Languedoc Roussillon and definition of a commercial strategy 2012 2014 Sud et Bio
Marketing concept for the cheese dairy "Naturkäserei Tegernseer Land" 2016 2018 Naturkäserei Tegernseer Land
Matching supply and demand for organic fruit and vegetables 2022 2023 Interfel
National scientific days for organic farming 2017 2016 2017 LfL Bavaria
NoAW - No Agricultural Waste: towards a circular agricultural economy 2015 2020 European Commission
Opportunity study for the operation of a local central kitchen in La Martre (Southern France) 2024 2024 Communauté de communes des Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
Optimize the distribution of the Moulin du Pivert organic cookie brand in France and for export 2011 2012 Moulin du Pivert
Optimizing the value of organic kiwis produced in the former Aquitaine region 2013 2013 Ex-organic trade organization of Aquitaine
OPUS- Open University of Strasbourg 2024 2024 Université de Strasbourg
Organic cheese market in the specialised retail in Germany and in the US 2019 2020 BEL
Organic food market in the United States 2018 2018 AD'OCC
Organic market analysis of catering companies and alternative selling points in France 2023 2023 Agence Bio
Organic market studies and business contacts in selected European countries 2020 running Cluster Bio Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Organic Markets worldwide 2012 running Cluster Bio
Organic milk market analysis 2017 2017 Danone
Organic pet food 2012 2012 Vendis Capital NV
Organic regional food in school canteens 2021 2023 County committee of the Lahn-Dill district, Hessen
Organic sugar value chains in Europe 2019 2019 Bio Grand Est, Célia Dupetit
Organic Swiss sauerkraut in France 2014 2018 Schöni AG
OrganicDataNetwork: Data network for better European organic market information 2012 2016 European Union
Organisation of the Bavarian Organic-Experiencedays 2001 2017 Bavarian Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Forestry
PAT Oléron: Preliminary study for logistical and transformation solutions in order to provide the public catering with local products 2021 2021 Administrative community of the island of Oléron
Practical optimisation of the nitrogen cycle in hop cultivation 2017 2022 Hallertau Water Board
Preservation and valorization of orchards in the administrative district of Freising (Bavaria) 2020 2021 Landcare Association Freising
Preserving water quality in the North Audomarois 2011 2012 CAPSO
Project management for the eco-model region Ampertal (Germany) 2024 2025 Kulturraum Ampertal e. V.
Promote the products of French perfumed, aromatic and medicinal plants on the international market 2011 2012 CPPARM
Promoting sustainable agricultural to improve water quality of the Sierck-les-Bains plateau in Moselle 2019 2019 Municipality of Bouzonvillois-Trois Frontières
Promotion of sustainable food in out-of-home catering in the department "Bouches-du Rhône" (South of France) 2021 2024 PETR Pays d'Arles & MAMP
Prospective study on the agricultural and food trajectory of the «Département du Gers» until 2050 2020 2021 Département du Gers
Protect drinking water by better food marketing 2021 2021 Société Mosellane des Eaux
Round Tables agriculture in Munich 2018 2020 City of Munich
Short food supply chains for restaurants and small-scale food processing in Nîmes Metropole region 2015 2015 Nîmes Metropole
State-Region plan for the development of organic farming 2009-2013 in Ile-de-France: support for the establishment of a summary report of its implementation and its future development 2013 2014 Conseil Régional Ile de France
Strategic analysis for the development of the organic dairy sector in Southern Alsace 2013 2013 OPABA: Organic Producer Organization in Alsace
Strategic analysis of agricultural value chains in Lozère 2014 2015 Conseil Général de Lozère
Strategic consulting for the french company "Autour du Riz" in placing organic rize products in the german spezialized retail market. 2016 2016 Autour du riz
Strategic et operational support to develop the sustainable procurement in the Canton of Vaud 2018 2019 Canton of Vaud
Strategy for organic retail 2018 2018 Ocebio
Strength2food - Sustainable food chains: EU quality policy and public sector procurement 2015 2020 European Commission
Studies and territorial engineering in the field of ecological and climatic transition 2021 running Banque des Territoires
Study of organic wheat and soybean in the world 2023 2024 Agence Bio
Study on regional products for the City of Munich 2013 2014 City of Munich - department for environmental affairs
Support for buyers and producers in the Terres de Lorraine region to supply the collective catering sector 2024 2024 Pays Terres de Lorraine
Support for the commercialization of organic Swiss Gruyère cheese in organic stores in Germany and France 2016 2016 BioSuisse
Support for the creation of the regional organic bread supply chain and collective mark Ptinor 2013 2014 Nord Pas de Calais Regional Council
Support in the framework of a regional procurement programm for high schools 2014 2015 Hauts-de-France Region
Support the development of organic agriculture in the degraded catchment areas of Alsace Moselle and strengthen regional organic sectors 2016 2017 OPABA
Survey of market potential for organic food from Baden-Württemberg 2020 2021 MLR Baden-Württemberg
Sustainability in food economics (SUS-CHAIN) 2002 2006 EU DG AGRI
Sustainable agricultural products in the Swabian Alb Biosphere Reserve 2014 2016 Biosphere office
Sustainable Landuse on communal land 2022 2022 Heideflächenverein
TETRAA program: "Territories in agro-ecological and food transition" Program 2021 2022 Carasso Foundation and AgroParisTech
TETRAA-Carasso 2020: Analysis of the application files of the program "Territoires en transition agroécologique et alimentaire" 2020 2020 Carasso foundation
The economic importance of direct sales (in organic production) WiBiDi 2023 2026 BLE (BÖL)
The organic field crops in the world 2021 2021 Agence Bio
The place of organic meat in French organic shops 2012 2012 Sud et Bio
Thematic surveys on organic retailers 2011 running Ecozept
Update of the practical guide “More organic in local communities”: Strategies and approaches for the successful introduction of organic food in the local authority catering sector. 2023 2024 RKU
Water and Sustainable Agriculture in the Châtillonnais region, Bourgogne 2019 2022 EPAGE SEQUANA

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