
Project details
Leading a forward-looking approach to agricultural and agri-food adaptation in western Aveyron up to 2050


  • Project duration: 2024 - 2024
  • Client: Ouest Aveyron Communauté
  • Department(s):
    Supply chains and territories

Project aim:

As part of its regional food project (PAT), the local authority "Ouest Aveyron Communauté" wishes to undertake a forward-looking approach to the adaptation of its agricultural and agri-food fabric to the climatic and socio-economic challenges of 2050. It takes into account all the food, environmental, social and economic issues facing the region. During the first phase of the study, local stakeholders are closely involved in the development of prospective scenarios, so that they are the collective expression of a desirable and achievable future for the region's agriculture.

Activities of ECOZEPT:

ECOZEPT has pooled its skills with SOLAGRO to carry out this prospective study. In particular, we carried out an in-depth survey of the sectors in Aveyron and a socio-economic inventory of the region. We were also involved in the forward-looking workshops on these aspects.


Local Authority "Ouest Aveyron Communauté"

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The aims of TETRAA ?
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