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Event name or journal name
Trends in the number of organic shops in Germany 2024 Article Bio Linéaires FR
Bio-Regio in the communal catering: game changer or wishful thinking? 2023 Presentation 11. national meeting of the regional movement in Farchant, Bavaria (in German) DE
Lecture at Biofach 2024: Organic in out-of-home catering: Dream solution or pipe dream? 2024 Presentation Biofach 2024 DE
Engagierte Küchenchefs finden 2024 Artikel bioland-Fachmagazin DE
Hand in Hand - Zusammen mit den Landwirten betreiben wir seit 30 Jahren aktiven Grundwasserschutz 2024 Artikel Kundenmagazin der Freisinger Stadtwerke DE
FOODCost étude de cas 10 (version française) 2023 Flyer FOODCost FR
FOODCost-Fallstudie 10 (English version) 2023 Flyer FOODCost EN
FOODCost-Fallstudie 10 (deutsche Version) 2023 Flyer FOODCost DE
Brochure FOODCost 2023 2023 Brochure FOODCost EN
Our presentation at Natexpo 2023 (in French) 2023 Presentation Natexpo 2023 FR
More sustainability in public catering 2022 Work-aid Sustainability Strategy Hesse DE
Organic shop or discounter: Who is ahead? 2022 Article Bio Linéaires FR
Our NATEXPO 2022 presentation on the organic market in Germany (in French language) 2022 Presentation NATEXPO FR
Our NATEXPO 2022 presentation on the Loyalty in organic shops in France (in French language) 2022 Presentation NATEXPO FR
German organic market: temporary turbulence? 2022 Article Bio Linéaires FR
Organic fruits and vegetables in Germany: a changing distribution 2022 Article Bio Linéaires FR
Growth of the German organic market ... but not for everyone! 2022 Article Bio Linéaires FR
Work aid for the awarding of public catering services: More organic and regional organic products in the public catering 2021 Work-aid Study DE
The recent evolution of the organic market in France 2022 Présentation Étude FR
Organic Market Morocco 2021 Report In-house study EN
Handout guideline for public administration: More organic and regional organic products in the public catering 2021 Work-aid Study DE
Preservation of orchard meadows in the district of Freising 2021 Report Final report DE
German organic market at 2 speeds? 2021 Summary Journal Bio Linéaires FR
Project profile "Pasture city Augsburg": supporting the marketing of lamb meat 2021 Project profile Pasture city Augsburg DE
Sell differently: trends and opportunities 2021 Poster Meeting of the Bundesverband der Regionalbewegungen (national federation of regional movements) DE
Study on organic field crops in the EU and in the main non-member countries (english) 2021 Summary Agence Bio EN
Study on organic field crops in the EU and in the main non-member countries (french) 2021 Synthèse Agence Bio FR
Emballages: Les magasins spécialisés à la recherche des solutions. 2021 Article Bio Linéaires FR
La trilogie des marques bio dans la distribution bio allemande 2021 Article Bio Linéaires FR
Our NATEXPO 2021 presentation on packaging in organic shops 2021 presentation Natexpo FR
Our NATEXPO 2021 presentation on the organic market in Germany 2021 presentation Natexpo FR
Innovation in direct marketing 2021 Article BioLinéaires FR
Are Certified Supply Chains More Socially Sustainable? A Bargaining Power Analysis 2021 Article Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 2020 EN
Market potential of waste based and biodegradable mulch film 2021 Summary NoAW EN
30-40% organic until 2030 - how can this work? 2021 Study Ecozept DE
Organic products in French out-of-home catering 2021 Article BioPress DE
The problem with packaging 2021 Article BioPress DE
New and innovative direct selling concepts for agricultural products 2020 Summary Study BÖLN EN
The effects of Covid-19 on the food and organic markets - our intervention for Interbio Nouvelle Aquitaine 2020 Interbio Nouvelle Aquitaine FR
What is the current status of alternative milk marketing in Saxony? 2021 Poster Presentation DE
The problem with packaging: What can we expect from bio-based and biodegradable packaging? Naturkost-Süd Tagung “Zero Waste” 2019 Presentation Naturkost-Süd Tagung “Zero Waste” 2019 DE
The specialized organic retail of tomorrow? Strategy analysis of the specialized organic food retail in Germany, Belgium and Italy 2019 Poster Presentation 2nd Organic Marketing Days, 2019 EN
30% organic – a realistic milestone. 2020 Article German trade journal „Ökologie und Landbau“ DE
Strategy analysis of the German specialised organic retail 2019 Presentation and abstract Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau DE
Evaluation of organic farming in Bavaria 2013 Study Ecozept Study DE
Le rayon traditionnel dans les magasins bio en France 2020 Etude Natexpo 2020 FR
La cosmétique bio en France: Situation et perspectives dans la distribution spécialisée bio 2009 Rapport Ecozept publication FR
Local organic products in french organic specialised retail 2015 Study Ecozept publication FR
Le Gruyère bio en provenance de Suisse dans les magasins spécialisés bio en Allemagne et en France 2016 Rapport Ecozept publication
La protection des eaux potables en Bavière, un modèle préventif basé sur la coopération avec le agriculteurs du territoire: exemple de la ville de Freising 2015 Rapport Ecozept publication FR
Quelle place pour les magasins bio dans le marché bio de demain ? 2018 présentation NatexBio 2018 FR
30% de bio en 2030 ? 2019 Présentation Ecozept publication FR
Produits bio locaux en magasin bio : évolution, pratiques commerciales et perspectives. 2019 Présentation Natexpo 2019 FR
Fiche de présentation du projet: Nouvelles formes innovantes de vente directe de produits agricoles 2020 Fiche de présentation Ecozept publication FR
Naturkosmetik in Frankreich: Situation und Perspektiven im Biofachhandel 2009 Studie Ecozept Studie DE
Tomorrow‘s specialized organic food retail: Strategy analysis of the German, Belgian, French and Italian specialized organic food retail. 2020 Presentation Bio-Beurs, 2020 EN
Trends in der Direktvermarktung landwirtschaftlicher Produkte - Herausforderungen, Chancen und Empfehlungen für die Praxis 2020 Merkblatt Studie BÖLN DE
An eventful year that lays the foundations for a worry-free future? 2024 Article Bio Linéaires FR
New and innovative direct selling concepts for agricultural products – state of the art, best-practice examples and analysis of consumer expectations and recommendations for stakeholders 2020 Report Study BÖLN DE
Market barriers to the use of sustainable packaging from experts’ viewpoint: focus on bioplastics. 2020 Presentation Biofach, 2020 EN
Direktvermarktung landwirtschaftlicher Produkte - Trends, Herausforderungen, Chancen. 2020 Vortrag Biofach 2020 DE
Unverpackte Bio - Produkte im Fachhandel in Frankreich. 2020 Vortrag Biofach 2020 DE
Punkten mit der grünen Frische. 2019 Vortrag Naturkost-Süd Tagung „Immer gutes Obst & Gemüse" DE
Bio-regionale Produkte in der französischen Gemeinschaftsverpflegung 2019 Vortrag KERN: Bayerischer Kongress Gemeinschaftsverpflegung“ am 17. Mai 2019 in Nürnberg DE
Biomarkt im Wandel: Sind Bioläden ein Auslaufmodell? 2019 Vortrag Biofach 2019 DE
How to succeed in fast changing markets 2018 Presentation Biofach 2018 EN
The specialised organic retail report Europe-Greece 2017 Study Study Ecozept EN
Synthesis of the study on the market potential of NoAW biopolymers in agricultural applications 2020 NoAW EN
Peruvian organic products on the french market 2015 Study Study PROMPERU EN
Organic Food in the Out-of-Home-Market in France 2016 Resume Study BÖLN EN
Market potential of waste based and biodegradable horticultural pot 2020 Synthesis NoAW EN
LIFT Fallstudienergebnisse aus der Region Simssee (Bayern) 2021 Fallstudienergebnisse LIFT DE
LIFT Fallstudienergebnisse aus Europa 2021 Newsletter LIFT DE
LIFT: résultats des études de cas en Europe 2021 Bulletin d'information LIFT FR
Reusable and returnable packaging: a growing solution 2022 Article Bio Linéaires FR
Sustainable use of orchard meadows in the administrative district of Freising 2021 Flyer Ecozept DE
LIFT: Case study results from Europe 2021 Newsletter LIFT EN
Organic still doing well in Germany 2023 Article Bio Linéaires FR
Poster FOODCost 2023 2023 Poster FOODCost EN
Report of the local authority and business seminar held on 14/15 June 2023 (in French) 2023 Report TETRAA program FR
Regionale Lebensmittel als (neues) Handlungsfeld in Nachhaltigkeitsprozessen 2023 Netzwerktreffen Heimatagentur Niederbayern DE
The German organic market is slowly emerging from its recession 2023 Article Bio Linéaires FR
Schafft es der deutsche Bio-Markt aus der Krise? 2023 Artikel Bio Linéaires DE
LIFT Ergebnissheet 2023 Infoblatt LIFT-Projekt DE

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