Project aim:
Ecozept has been entrusted with the project management in the organic model region "Kulturraum Ampertal". The aim is to strengthen and increase organic farming, organic food handicrafts and the consumption of organic products in the region. The organic model region "Kulturraum Ampertal" is located about 40 kilometres north of Munich and comprises 12 municipalities. Organic model regions are an important part of the BioRegio Bayern 2030 programme.
Activities of ECOZEPT:
In addition to project management and publicity work to raise awareness of regional organic products, the focus is on the following activities: establishing value chains in the region, preparing a feasibility study on "inter-communal fresh food kitchens for day-care centres and schools", recording the quantity and quality of regional organic products on offer, presenting the range and providing support in applying for funding.
Kulturraum Ampertal e. V.