
Project details
Studies and territorial engineering in the field of ecological and climatic transition


  • Project duration: 2021 -
  • Client: Banque des Territoires
  • Country or region: France
  • Department(s):
    Supply chains and territories
    Sustainable catering

Project aim:
Ecozept and the agencies Espelia, Utopies, Recovering and Metapolis have been selected by the Banque des Territoires as a group of experts that can be solicited within the scope of a Framework Agreement by public actors in charge of approaches or projects contributing to the energy, agricultural and food transitions of their territory, and responding to water and biodiversity issues.

Activities of ECOZEPT:
In this context, Ecozept and its partners can be called upon by the Banque des Territoires to provide services in targeted territories. Intervening on the "Circular economy, food, short supply chains", we accompany territories on projects of various size and content: methodological support to the elaboration of territorial strategies of food transition and development of short supply chains, support to the setting up of project or equipment, support to the structuring of actors' networks, methodological support to the elaboration of industrial territorial strategies.
To date, the various services provided within this framework are:
- Feasibility study for the implementation of a vending machine for the commune of St-Julien-les-Villas

Banque des Territoires

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