Project aim:
ECOZEPT has carried out a feasibility study on the target of 30% organic farming in Bavaria by 2030 together with FiBL Projekte GmBH. The target of 30% was formulated in the referendum on biodiversity "Save the bees" in Bavaria at the beginning of 2019 and was supported by 1.8 million Bavarians. The parliamentary group BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN in the Bavarian State Parliament commissioned ECOZEPT and FiBL to examine the feasibility of 30% on the production and market side.
Activities of ECOZEPT:
In the feasibility study, current statistics on the organic market and publications from the specialized press were evaluated. Based on this data, different growth scenarios for the organic market were developed and compared with the developments of the organic sector in other countries. The core of the analysis was a survey with experts from the Bavarian organic sector focussing on the growth dynamics of the market its determinants.
The results show clearly: 30% organic market share in 2030 can be realistic if value chains are strengthened, demand is stimulated and a market observation is institutionalised.
The feasibility study can be accessed here (German language).
A summary article of the study in the journal Ökologie und Landbau (issue 01/2020) can be downloaded on our website.
Parliamentary group Alliance 90/The Greens in the Bavarian State Parliament