Project aim:
The aim of this study is to assess the operating capacity of an existing central kitchen in La Martre in the Lacs et Gorges du Verdon community of municipalities, to meet:
- The need for collective catering (schools, leisure centers, homes for the elderly, etc.) to prepare meals;
- The need to process and add value to local agricultural products and to develop local value chains.
Activities of ECOZEPT:
This study, carried out in partnership with CERFRANCE Gascogne, begins with an analysis of the existing central kitchen. A study of the needs of the region in terms of promoting local agricultural products is then carried out with stakeholders from upstream to downstream (producers, distributors, caterers, tourism stakeholders). Finally, a feasibility study is carried out to define the activities and functions of the central kitchen. A benchmark of existing central kitchens in the southern Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region is carried out to enhance this feasibility study.