Preliminary study for logistical and transformation solutions in order to provide the public catering with local products
Project aim:
Ecozept, Gwenaëlle Raton (Gustave Eiffel University) and Daniel Lasaygues (CERFRANCE) investigated logistical and transformation solutions in order to provide Oléron island public catering with local products.
Working on an island with high seasonal tourist number made this project particular.
The project aims are implementing local logistics and processing scenarios, for which a feasibility study will be carried out.
Activities of ECOZEPT:
This project began with practices assessment on public catering local procurement.
After reviewed supply and demand requirements and sketched a general logistical flows overview at the island scale, different solutions were designed.
The steering commity chose one of them to go deeper in a feasability study.
Administrative community of the island of Oléron