
Project details
The organic field crops in the world


  • Project duration: 2021 - 2021
  • Client: Agence Bio
  • Country or region: Austria, Europe, France, Germany, Italy, USA, China, Denmark, India, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Togo, United Kingdom, Ukraine
  • Department(s):
    Organic food markets

Project aim:
The Agence Bio wishes to consolidate knowledge on the organic field crop sector in Europe and in the world through a retrospective vision of the last few years but also through a projection for the years to come.

Activities of ECOZEPT:
In partnership with AND International, Ecozept is conducting data research and interviews with national experts and economic actors to study the production, use, price, and trade of organic field crops in 19 countries as well as policy support and regulation.
The synthesis of this study is available in French and in English on our website following this link.
You will also find the synthesis in French as well as our presentation of the results on the website of the Agence Bio following this link.

Agence Bio (National french public organic agency)

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