
Strategies and approaches for the successful introduction of organic food in the local authority catering sector.

Project aim:

The aim of the project is to update the guidelines 'More organic in local authorities', which have been in existence since 2017. Ecozept and its partners are adapting the content in line with changes in administrative and funding legislation and are providing up-to-date examples of good practice from different areas of local authority catering.

Activities of ECOZEPT:

Ecozept is leading this project in cooperation with FiBL Projekte GmbH and Prof Dr Zeiss. In addition to the purely editorial revision, the project will focus on the following activities: comparison and evaluation of existing guidelines, legal expertise on selected topics such as the new German regulation on organic catering or public procurement law, as well as research and preparation of current best practice examples from the German Organic Cities Network.


Department for Climate and Environmental Protection of Munich

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