Project aim:
Conduct a study on the economic viability of alternative milk value chains in Saxony. The aim of the study is to identify exemplary solutions for alternative cow-milk production and processing, to investigate the economic viability in the entire chain from producer to consumer level and to evaluate the different market potentials.
Activities of ECOZEPT:
Ecozept is conducting this market study together with AMI GmbH. The core of the study is an economic efficiency analysis of 18 variants of the milk value chain in Saxony. The feasibility assessment is based on similar studies already carried out, with the help of the AMI milk price comparison, with data from the GfK household consumer panel, assessments by experts as well as the results from store checks in supermarkets in Saxony. Market potentials and marketing opportunities will be evaluated and recommendations for action will be proposed.
Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, LfULG