
Project details
Local, organic and quality food for the public purchasing association GRAP in Northern Bourgogne


  • Project duration: 2017 - 2018
  • Client: GRAP Nord-Bourgogne
  • Country or region: France
  • Department(s):
    Supply chains and territories
    Sustainable catering

Project aim:
The public purchasing association GRAP Nord Bourgogne aims to coordinate and optimize the food purchases of its members. The association wishes to undertake an in-depth effort to capture more local products through its public procurement.

Activities of ECOZEPT:
ECOZEPT, in partnership with Delphine Ducoeurjoly and Landot & Associés, has assisted the association in evaluating its technical and legal scope for action, developing the most appropriate strategy to develop a meaningful local supply and evaluating the impact of this strategy.

GRAP Nord-Bourgogne

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