
Project details
Market study about the implementation of a food logistic platform in the department of Hérault


  • Project duration: 2022 - 2022
  • Client: CAPDIFE (Croix-Rouge Insertion), Pays Cœur d'Hérault
  • Department(s):
    Market research and marketing consulting
    Supply chains and territories

Project aim:
Capdife (member of Croix-Rouge Insertion) wants to structure the food logistic plateform located in Clermont l'Hérault, and to diversify his activity by offering logistical services for local agricultural and food actors.
In this way, Capdife participates in structuring sustainable local food sector and creating insertion jobs. This project takes part in the Pays Cœur d'Hérault's territorial food project.

Activities of ECOZEPT:
The market study was being conducted in collaboration with the consultancy firms Extracité and GECE. The feasability study was realized by Manger Bio. It aimed at defining the potential supply and demand in the catchment area of the food logistic platform. Ecozept was particularly interested in the needs of the mass catering.
Ecozept also achieved a benchmark and a competitive analysis. All the data collected by the three consultancies permitted to propose scenarii for the distribution platform's organization (economic model, governance). It also assessed if the integration project matched with the logistics offer.

CAPDIFE (Croix-Rouge Insertion)
Pays Cœur d'Hérault

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