Project aim:
Following our study "The organic field crops in the world" conducted in 2021, the Agence Bio, Terres Univia and Intercéréales wish to consolidate the knowledge on the organic field crop sector in Europe and in the world through a study dedicated to two central crops: wheat and soybean.
More precisely, the study allowes to characterize in 43 countries the production (surfaces, volumes, prices), the transformation (volume of products in flour, oilcake, oil, etc.), the trade flows of grains and transformed products and their markets. It is also asked to analyze Europe's dependence on imports, to outline the political and regulatory environment in third countries and to establish an address book of key experts.
Activities of ECOZEPT:
In partnership with AND International, Ecozept conducts data research, interviews with national experts and a survey of economic actors (collectors, processors, intermediaries, etc.) in 43 countries worldwide.
Agence Bio