
Project details
Support the development of organic agriculture in the degraded catchment areas of Alsace Moselle and strengthen regional organic sectors


  • Project duration: 2016 - 2017
  • Client: OPABA
  • Country or region: France
  • Department(s):
    Organic food markets
    Market research and marketing consulting
    Supply chains and territories

Project aim:
In order to protect water resources, the Syndicat des Eaux et de l'Assainissement Alsace Moselle (SDEA) has mandated the Professional Organization of Organic Agriculture in Alsace (OPABA) to study the feasability of developing organic farming in degraded catchment basins, and strengthen regional organic sectors.

Activities of ECOZEPT:
ECOZEPT supported OPABA to study the feasibility of developing short and long  chains for organic arable crops (technical and economic feasibility of an organic cereal storage site) and livestock (milk, meat, eggs), as well as as for "new sectors such as sugar beet, hemp, sorghum and flax. ECOZEPT has together with OPABAconducted field surveys alongside OPABA (interviews with stakeholders), market studies (outlets in butchers, bakeries, organic stores, supermarkets, etc.), benchmarks and sectorial diagnostics in order to highlight  strategic actions and projects for the development of organic sectors in the region.


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