
Project details
"Empowering Public Food Procurement": sustainable food in the European catering sector


  • Project duration: 2017 - 2019
  • Client: European Commission
  • Country or region: Europe
  • Department(s):
    Sustainable catering

Project aim:
The aim of this European Erasmus+ project is to contribute to the empowerment of local players in the sustainable food procurement for the catering sector in Europe. The project brings together eight organizations in six countries: France, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia and the Netherlands. At the end of the project, European common leading principles to perform more sustainable food procurement in the catering sector will be proposed.

Activities of ECOZEPT:
The activities in details are: putting together practical knowledge of trainers on how to build sustainable food procurement at local scale; pooling concrete examples of good practices and innovative approaches; proposing concrete recommendations for representatives / chefs / managers of municipalities catering, and for trainers who support them. The project is coordinated by ECOZEPT and runs from September 2017 until August 2019

Erasmus+ European Commission

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