
Project details
Market study in order to define the opportunity of a label for local agricultural products on Reunion island


  • Project duration: 2020 - 2021
  • Client: Département de La Réunion
  • Country or region: France
  • Department(s):
    Market research and marketing consulting
    Supply chains and territories

Project aim:

The "Department de La Reunion" wished to evaluate the opportunity to create a new device to identify the local food products of Reunion Island.

Activities of ECOZEPT:

Ecozept has therefore conducted various activities in order to report firstly on the interest of local professionals and consumers for such an approach and under what conditions, in order to design a first framework of device to be developed. These various parties were then mobilized in a second phase around several collective meetings to build an action plan to implement this device. The steps of this work directly involve local actors and consumers in order to build an approach as close as possible to local realities while initiating a first mobilization around this project.

Département de La Réunion

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